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Main » 2009 » Kovas » 16 » Valgyk morkas - buk stiprus!
Valgyk morkas - buk stiprus!

Category: Filmukai | Views: 1166 | Added by: Manhunt | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
From Swayambill: Because you're an American, you don't know what it's like to liveunder a cotllemepy unresponsive government composed of venalprofessional politicians. In this country, the only way to get theattention of the government is to declare and enforce a'bandha' which stops all commercial activity and traffic. Theresult is severe hardship to the population at large, many of themsurviving on a daily wage, and some response from the powers thatbe. In this case, the government promised to investigate the claimsof fraud against a minister. Yes, the bandhas are sometimes unfairand absurd, but this is a tactic of a people reduced to absurdity bytheir rulers. Short of rioting in the streets, this is what they'vegot to do to be heard. The bandha is a travesty of the generalstrike, a traditional weapon of the working classes. In it largesections of the population joined voluntarily in a strike action outof solidarity with the strikers and their objectives. Here, themotive behind 'joining' the general shut-down is a fear ofrepercussions from the enforcers of the bandha. That be as it may, because you're an American you might come to knowwhat it means to be cotllemepy exasperated with a government that isonly responsive to the the demands of the wealthiest 1% of itspeople. Look at the 'Occupy Wall Street, America' movement, andit's reverberations around the world.

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