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Main » 2012 » Sausis » 31 » My cat is awesome AND could kill a MAN in 5 seconds
My cat is awesome AND could kill a MAN in 5 seconds
Category: Filmukai | Views: 1172 | Added by: Manhunt | Rating: 0.0/0
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AHEM!You hit a pet peeve of mine, Bruce. U.S. Senate: S.568 e2€œTruth in Video Game Ratings Acte2€9d - Intent: e2€œto require the ESRB to play every game all the way ghrouth before assigning a ratinge2€9dYou mean they werene2€™t requiring this already?Heck, no! I mean, how about oh, say, a Massively Multiplayer RPG, where seeing the entire game is INTENDED to take months or years? And which is changing all the time?How about Neverwinter Nights, where most of the content is fan-made? Well, if we can't correctly rate it because of the fan-made expansions, should we shut off those like we do on the consoles, so we can't have Junior download naked skins for NWN?Kansas: HB2104 - Intent: retailers may not sell or display ESRB-rated M or AO games tothose under 18You mean they can?Ummm . YEAH.Not unless you put all M- and AO-Rated games into some kind of back room where you card anyone before they are allowed to even LOOK at them. And why stop at videogames? Make all the video stores lock up their R-rated videos in a back-room, too. Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, the Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather, The Matrix let's just lump them all together with the porn. Oh, and based on the wording of many of these laws, movie theater operators should also be locked up for six months just for advertising a rated R movie in their theater to anyone who might be under 18. Yeah, that'd make the world a safer, happier place. Oh, and there's another problem. How about UNRATED games? Like indie games? All those flash games that are so popular right now? Or EA re-releasing Ultima IV (which was never rated) into the public domain? Or all these fans making mods for their games.If you release a mod on your website and haven't spent $50,000 on an ESRB rating, will you be in violation of any of these laws (if they become laws?) Can you receive jail time?In some cases, YES, you arguably could.It's the proverbial slippery slope, letting the camel get its nose into the tent. You grant the government power to protect the the children from some invisible, unproven boogieman, and then you also grant them the power to redefine the definition of children and boogieman to meet the whims of whoever's currently in office.Many other media (such as movies) have their own, voluntary, industry-enforced system which people seem to be pretty happy with. Videogames are just new (and the ratings system are even newer), and have needed time to shake things out. All the federal reports are showing that its WORKING. The politicians jockeying for position are just stirring up the witch-hunt pot in order to garner some much-needed family values points prior to the next election. Keep the government and legal system out of my games, thankyouverymuch. I want to live in a world where games that CAN address mature themes - hopefully in a mature way - can be made.

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